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Use VSE Manager

Configure VSE Manager

Before you use VSE Manager, you must configure the VSE Manager page in the Eclipse Preferences dialog.

The following graphic shows the Preferences dialog with the VSE Manager page selected.

Preferences dialog


Follow these steps:

  1. To configure the registry connection settings, enter the URL for the VSE Webserver.
  2. If necessary, enter your user name and password.
  3. (Optional) To save the order of columns and their associated widths when closing and reopening the view, select the Save and restore... check box.
  4. (Optional) To have the view automatically refresh the content approximately every 10 seconds, select the Update the current status... check box.
  5. To finish and close the dialog, click OK.

Import a LISA Project

Follow these steps:

  1. From the main menu, open the Eclipse Import wizard.
  2. From the CA LISA category, select LISA Project.
  3. Select a LISA project and enter its name in the Project Name field.
  4. Click Finish.

    The project imports.

Use the VSE Manager View

VSE Manager View panel

The VSE Manager view supports the following actions:

Properties View Integration

When a virtual service is selected in the VSE Manager view and the Properties view is open, you can view and update more information about the selected service.

VSEManager properties - integration view

With this view, you can:

You can drag a MAR file to the VSE Manager to deploy it.

VSE Manager properties view