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Create a Service Image from Layer 7

The Virtual Service From Layer7 generates a virtual service image from Layer 7.


  1. Download the Layer 7 Command-line Migration Tool 2.2 from the Layer 7 support website.
  2. Extract the Jar file.

    Note: The Jar file contains the cmt2.jar file that is required for step 3. This file can be located anywhere.

Follow these steps:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Virtual Service From Layer7 window opens.

  2. Enter the Layer7 Connection Info fields.
  3. Click the folder icon to locate the cmt2.jar file and click Get Layer7 Services.

    The Layer7 Services tab displays the available services.

  4. Select a service and click Next.
  5. Enter a service image name and the name of a VS model file.

    Accept the default values for the remaining fields on this window.
    Note: To load parameters from a previously saved service image, click the Load from File icon at the bottom of the window.

  6. Click Next.

    The Connection tab opens.

  7. Select the operations in that service to virtualize.

    By default, all the operations are selected.

  8. Click Next.

    The request/response side data protocols options open.

  9. Select Web Services (SOAP).

    The Request Side Data Protocols list is prepopulated with Web Services (SOAP) and the XML Data Protocol data protocol handlers. The Response Side Data Protocols list is automatically populated with the Delimited Text Data Protocol.

  10. Click Next.
  11. See Delimited Text Data Protocol for information about how to configure the Delimited Text data protocol. When configured, click Next.

    On the next window, the service image is generated and the wizard is finished.

  12. Click Finish.

    Note: To save the settings on this recording to load into another service image recording, click Save Image of the Save icon, above the Finish button.

    The blank virtual service model is populated with steps.

  13. Save the virtual service model.

    The service image that was generated is a stub service. The service image returns correctly formatted responses, but the values are default values.

    The service model (VSM) that was saved is the model that is deployed to the Virtual Service Environment.