Complete the following tasks to enable HTTPS communication with the DevTest Console.
The simplest way to generate keys and certificates is to use the keytool application that comes with the JDK. This application generates keys and certificates directly into the keystore.
For more information, see
Follow these steps:
cd JAVA_HOME\bin
keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA
Note: You must use jetty as the alias.
This command prompts you for information about the certificate and for passwords to protect both the keystore and the keys within it.
The password is case-sensitive. The text of your password does not display.
The password is case-sensitive. The text of your password does not display.
Enter the same machine name that is used in the registry name. Normally, this is the unqualified host name of the server. For example, for a machine named, you would enter
However, it is possible to start the registry with the -m command line parameter, using an IP address or a fully qualified host name. In these cases, the host name in the SSL certificate must match to prevent certificate errors in the web browser.
Note: This is the only mandatory prompt.
A confirmation of your entries displays.
The following prompt displays.
The utility creates a new file named keystore in the current directory.
Follow these steps:
Note: webserver.ks is the default file specified in the file. If you want to use a different file name, open and modify the lisa.webserver.ssl.keystore.location property to reflect the correct path and file name. For more information, see Update Webserver Properties.
Follow these steps:
# enable https and setup the webserver ssl keystore lisa.webserver.https.enabled=true lisa.webserver.ssl.keystore.location={{LISA_HOME}}webserver.ks lisa.webserver.ssl.keystore.password=yourpassword lisa.webserver.ssl.keymanager.password=yourpassword lisa.webserver.port=8443 # should lisa workstation use https when launching the portals? lisa.portal.use_https=true lisa.portal.url.prefix=http://
Set this property to true to use HTTPS with the DevTest Console.
The default value for this property is {{LISA_HOME}}webserver.ks. Modify this value if you want to use a keystore file with a different name or in a different directory.
Set this property to the password you defined when generating your keystore file.
Set this property to the key manager password you defined when generating your keystore file. Unless you specified a different password, this password is the same as your keystore password.
Setting this property is optional, but the default port for HTTPS is 8443.
Change the value for this property from http:// to https://.
Note: The first time the system reads the passwords in this, it converts the password to an encrypted property.
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