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Configure Existing Registries

Each DevTest Server you install has one registry. Product licensing requires that the registries are configured. The configuration process varies by release:

To configure the registries (DevTest 7.5.x):

  1. Log on to a computer where a DevTest Server is installed and navigate to the installation directory.
  2. Open and locate Section 1 - Enterprise Dashboard. (If the file does not exist, copy and rename the copy to
  3. Uncomment the following line and replace somehost with the host name where Enterprise Dashboard is installed.
  4. Save the file, and then close the file.
  5. (Optional) If you plan to use DevTest Workstation from a remote computer, you can specify a property that lets you connect to a specific registry automatically.
    1. Log on to the computer where Workstation is installed.
    2. Navigate to LISA_HOME.
    3. Open and locate Section 2 - Autoconnection.
    4. Uncomment the following line and replace somehost with the host name of the computer where you are logged on.
    5. Save the file, and then close the file.
  6. Log on to the computer with the target registry
  7. Start or restart the registry.
    1. Navigate to the LISA_HOME\bin directory.
    2. Run registry.exe.
  8. Repeat Steps 1-7 for each registry.
  9. To verify registry configurations, browse to the Enterprise Dashboard.

Important! If there is a change to the host name of the system on which you install DevTest Solutions, repeat this procedure.

The Registry Configuration window in the Enterprise Dashboard lets you add and configure older registries and also delete unused registries that display in the dashboard.

To add a registry from a release earlier than DevTest 7.5

  1. Open the Enterprise Dashboard.
  2. Click Options in the upper right corner of the Enterprise Dashboard main window.
  3. Select Configure.

    The Registry Configuration window opens with the Configure Registry fields blank.

    Note: To return to the main window, click Go back to registry view Back button to return to the registry view of the Enterprise Dashboard or click Overview in the breadcrumbs in the top left corner of the page.

    LISA--win_enterprisedash_configureregistry--SCR [3]

  4. Click Add Registry in the Registry Configuration window. Click Yes to confirm.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    Registry URL

    The URL of the registry. This field is required.



    To validate the URL, click Validate.

    Registry Name

    The common name or nickname for this registry.


    Display Registry

    Select Active to display this registry in the main panel of the dashboard, or Hidden to hide this registry. This parameter also controls which folder on the left side contains this registry.

    The Registry Configuration window also includes the following fields:


    Whether ACL security is enabled or disabled.

    DevTest Console URL

    The URL of the DevTest Console for this registry. Example:

  6. Click Save to add the registry to the dashboard.

To validate a registry:

  1. Select Configure from the Options menu.
  2. Click the registry that you want to validate from the list of registries in the Registry column.
  3. Click Validate.

    The dashboard server queries the selected registry and displays the status, for example, is running.

  4. Click OK.