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Ensure Screen Element Matches Expression

The Mobile Ensure Screen Matches Expression assertion verifies that the data entered for a screen element matches your specified regular expression. By default, if the value entered for the screen element does not match the specified expression, the test step fails.

When you select the Ensure Screen Element Matches Expression assertion, the system prompts you to enter an expression that you want the screen element to match. Once entered, the name and expression appear as a Key/Value pair in the Actions section of the tab. You can double-click these fields to modify them.

For example, the regular expression "ame" would match the names "Cameron" and "Pamela". If you want to ensure that a value entered for a screen element starts with a capital letter, and then three lower-case letters, enter this regular expression:


For more information about regular expressions, see Assertion Descriptions.

Complete the following fields:

Expression to Match (Value)

The regular expression to match for the specified screen element.

If no match, execute step

Select a step from the drop-down list to execute if a match is not made.