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Virtual HTTP/S Live Invocation Step

Use the Virtual HTTP/S Live Invocation step to make a real HTTP call to real server in the context of a virtualized HTTP service. This step is typically created by recording and virtualizing some form of HTTP traffic. The step performs the real request, which is based on the current VSE request in use.

The default name for the Virtual HTTP/S Live Invocation step is Virtual HTTPS LiveInvocation<portnumber >. You can rename the step at any time.

Complete the following fields as described:

Target server

Enter the name of the server to which the request is made.

Target port

Enter the name of the port on which the request is made.

Replacement URI

To replace the full URI in a GET/POST request, enter a new target path field. You can provide the URI as a DevTest property. This field can be blank, in which case the URI from the live request is used.

Do not modify host header parameter received from client

If selected, this option instructs the live invocation to forward the host header received from the client application to the target server. If cleared, the live invocation regenerates the host header parameter to be host: <target host>:<target port>.

Use SSL to server

Specifies whether to send an HTTPS (secured layer) request to the server.


Cleared: The application does not send an HTTPS request to the server

SSL keystore file

Click Select... to browse to your SSL keystore file. The same keystore file must be available to the VSE server to which the VS model is deployed.

The first certificate in the keystore is presented to the target server when client authentication is required. This certificate overrides the certificate that the ssl.client.* properties in specify for the live invocation.

Keystore password

Enter the keystore password, then click Verify.

Format step response as XML

The VSE framework expects Respond steps to accept one of the following:

Note: If this check box is cleared, the step produces a list of response objects. The step produces the list, even if it contains only one response.

Default: The step response is formatted as XML.

Bad Response Codes

Defines a failure respons from the system.

Format: A comma-delimited list of three-character codes, with each character being either a numeric or the letter x (wildcard).

Example: 4xx,5xx

VSE Lookup Step

For a live invocation step to support failover execution mode, it must know the step that is used to look up VSE responses so that it can redirect the VS model to the correct step when necessary. This field contains a list of steps in the VS model. Select the standard VSE Response Lookup step. That allows the live invocation step to move to the VSE response lookup step when necessary.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.

Note: The Virtual HTTP/S Live Invocation step supports the lisa.http.timeout.socket and lisa.http.timeout.connection properties to control the client sockets used. The property controls how long an idle client socket waits before it is too old to use. This defaults to 2 minutes.