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Record a Mobile Test Case

Follow these steps:

  1. Verify that the config file that defines the desired mobile asset is active.
  2. Create a test case.
  3. Click Create steps by recording or templating Image of VSE Recorder icon (yellow lightning bolt).
  4. Click Record Test Case for User Interface, Mobile Recorder.

    The Test Recorder window opens.

    Note: If you are using a mobile simulator to record, the mobile simulator window also opens.

  5. If you defined multiple mobile assets, select an asset which to connect from the Choose Mobile asset drop-down list, then click OK.
  6. Click Start Recording at the bottom of the recorder window.
  7. In the Test Recorder window, perform the actions that you want to record for your test case.

    Important! Do not perform these actions in the mobile simulator directly. DevTest Workstation sends the actions that you perform in the Test Recorder to the simulator automatically.

    The Test Recorder highlights each screen element that you interact with. A red outline indicates a screen position. A green outline indicates the more specific screen element. When you point to a specific screen element, a tooltip window identifies it. When a button or component has multiple possible behaviors, the tooltip displays a hint for your clicking point.

  8. To add additional actions or gestures manually while you record, right-click the screen or the specific element in the Test Recorder, then select the action to insert.

    For example, you can manually insert a "Shake," change the orientation, or insert a specific assertion during the recording process. For more information about the available actions, see Modify Mobile Test Steps.

    Note: One step in a mobile test case contains as many gestures (tapping, swiping) as necessary to complete the step. These substeps, or actions, appear in the Actions table when you double-click a test step.

  9. Click Stop Recording when you have captured all of the actions for the test.

    The recorder window and the mobile simulator close. The new test case is populated with test steps that represent the mobile actions that are captured while recording.

  10. To view the details of each step:
    1. Click the test step to review. Each test step contains a screenshot of the action being performed.
    2. To expand the details, click Mobile testing step in the element tree on the right.

      The Mobile Testing Step tab opens and shows a screenshot of the test application. The Actions section at the top of the tab shows the individual actions that are performed in the test step. To highlight the associated element in the screenshot, click an action.

    3. To view the screenshot that is associated with a specific action, click the action in the Actions section.

      For more information about modifying a recorded test step, see Modify Mobile Test Steps.

      For more information about adding assertions to the test step, see Add an Assertion to a Mobile Test Step.