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Uninstall DevTest Server

The top level of the LISA_HOME directory includes an uninstall application. Use the DevTest Solutions Uninstall wizard to uninstall the DevTest Server components.

Follow these steps:

  1. Stop DevTest Solutions.
    1. Verify that all users have logged off DevTest workstations, the Portal, the DevTest Console, and the Enterprise Dashboard.
    2. Verify that no DevTest command-line utilities are running.
    3. Close the executables or stop the services in this order: Simulator, Coordinator, VSE, Broker, Portal, Registry, and Enterprise Dashboard.
  2. (Optional) Remove the directory where the main log files are located.
    1. If the logs are stored in a custom directory, open the DevTest Workstation and select DevTest Runtime Info from the Help menu, and scroll to lisa.tmpdir. The path is the value for lisa.tmpdir.
    2. Navigate to the lisatmp_release-number directory. The default location of each release-specific log directory (lisatmp_release-number) is the USER_HOME directory.
    3. Right-click the directory and select Delete. Click Yes to the confirmation prompt.
  3. If you are uninstalling a Shared installation type, manually delete the file. The default location is the USE_HOME directory for the user who installed DevTest.

    Important! If you do not delete this file, future installations of a Local installation type will not install correctly.

  4. Start the uninstall process.

    The DevTest Solutions Uninstall step opens.

  5. Click Next.
  6. To delete folders for the database, hotDeploy, lib/core, and related user preferences, select the Delete all files check box.
  7. Click Next.

    If you did not choose to delete all files, a Results of Uninstaller step opens with the list of files that could not be deleted.

  8. Click Finish.