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Install DevTest Workstation on Windows

This topic describes how to install DevTest Workstation with or without the Demo Server in a Windows environment.

Before you start the installation procedure, download the following files from the Download Center:

Follow these steps:

  1. Run the installer file, for example, devtest_win_x64.exe.

    The Welcome to the DevTest Solutions Setup Wizard opens.

  2. Click Next.

    The CA End User License Agreement step opens.

  3. Read the license agreement, select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option, and click Next.

    The Select Destination Directory step opens.

  4. Specify the folder where you want to install one or more components of the DevTest Solutions. You can use a directory that contains spaces, such as C:\Program Files\CA\DevTestSolutions. If you specify a folder that does not exist, the Setup wizard creates it.
  5. Click Next.

    The Installation Type step opens.

  6. Select one of the following options and click Next.

    Installs all DevTest Solutions components into a single directory on the local computer. By default, all data is stored in this directory, and each user has a personal temp directory. Local is the most common installation type that is used in most environments.


    Used by administrators to install all of the DevTest Solutions components to a shared location that multiple users from multiple computers can access. All data and temporary files are stored in user-specified directories. Each user has personal data, but they share a common DevTest Solutions installation. With a shared installation, users only need read access to the DevTest Solutions programs directory.

    The Select Components step opens.

  7. Clear the Server check box, ensure that the Workstation check box is selected, and click Next.

    If you chose the shared installation type, the following steps prompt you to specify the data directory and the temporary files directory.

  8. Specify the directories, clicking Next after each step.

    The Demo Server step opens.

  9. If you want the installer to unzip the demo server into the LISA_HOME directory, select the Install demo server option and specify the fully qualified path of the demo server zip file.
  10. Click Next.

    The Select Start Menu Folder step opens.

  11. Specify whether to add DevTest Workstation to your Start menu and if so, whether to add DevTest Workstation to the Start menu of other users.
  12. Click Next.

    The Select File Associations step opens.

  13. Select all the extensions to work with the Examples Project tutorials provided in Using CA Application Test. The file extensions that you can associate with the DevTest Solutions include:
  14. Click Install to start the installation.

    When the installation finishes, the Information step opens.

  15. Read the information and click Next.

    The Completing the DevTest Solutions Setup Wizard step opens.

  16. Click Finish.