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VSE Manager Command - Manage Virtual Service Environments

To manage virtual service environments, use the VSE Manager command-line tool. We recommend that you use the command-line tool for LISA 6.0 and later implementations. For more information, see Service Manager Commands.

VSE Manager is included as a tool under the bin directory in <lsrv>.

The VSE Manager command has the following format:

VSEManager [--registry name | --vse name | --username=name |--password=name ] 
[--status [vs-name | ALL ] | --deploy archive-file | --redeploy archive-file | --update vs-name [capacity capacity] [thinkscale scale] [auto-restart [ON|OFF] [grouptag group tag] | --remove vs-name | --start vs-name | --set-exec-mode vs-name --mode exec-mode | --stop vs-name | --help | --version
--registry name

Sets the name of the DevTest registry through which to work.

Note: The --registry parameter must be defined before a command is run. Otherwise, the command will, by default, run on the local registry. If there is no local registry, the command will not run.

--vse name

Sets the name of the virtual service environment with which to work.


Sets the ID with which to authenticate to ACL.


Sets the password that is associated with the specified --username value.

--status [vs-name | ALL]

Prints the status of a specific virtual service or of all virtual services in the current environment.

--deploy archive-file

Deploys a new virtual service to the current environment. The specified archive file must have a virtual service model as its primary asset.

--redeploy archive-file

Redeploys the specified virtual service to the current environment.

--update vs-name [capacity capacity] [--thinkscale scale ] [--auto-restart [ON|OFF] [--grouptag group tag ]

Updates the capacity, think scale, group tag, auto-restart setting, or any combination of these parameters for the named virtual service.

--remove vs-name

Removes the named virtual service from the current environment.

--start vs-name

Starts the named virtual service in the current environment.


Sets the execution mode for the named virtual service in the current environment.

--stop vs-name

Stops the named virtual service in the current environment.


Displays help text.


Prints the VSE version number.