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Invoke the REST API from the Web Interface

DevTest Solutions includes a simple web interface that you can use to explore the REST API.

Note: You must use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox to access the web interface.

By default, the web interface uses localhost in the URL. To access the web interface from other than localhost, set the following property in the file:


Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the registry is running.
  2. Enter http://localhost:1505/api/swagger/ in a supported browser. If the registry is on a remote computer, replace localhost with the name or IP address of the computer.

    The web interface appears.

  3. Click Show/Hide for a category.
  4. Click one of the API paths.
  5. Use the Response Content Type field to specify whether the response is in XML or JSON format.
  6. If the Parameters section appears, enter the required value for each parameter.
  7. Click Try it out!.

    The request URL and the response are displayed.