Previous Topic: System RequirementsNext Topic: Supplying Your Own JVM

Operating System Requirements

The following operating systems are supported:

We recommend a 64-bit operating system and JRE, especially for DevTest Server.


DevTest Server JVM System Requirements

We recommend a 64-bit Java 7 for DevTest Server when requiring heap sizes above 2 GB.


Java JDK

Products composing the DevTest Solutions are Java applications. An Oracle JRE is included with each operating system-specific installer (1.7.0_17 JRE including a tools.jar from the JDK) other than the generic UNIX installer. IBM JRE Version 7, Release 1 is also supported if you supply your own JVM.

The minimum supported Java version for DevTest Workstation, DevTest Server, and VSE is Java 1.7 update 6.

This requirement is a DevTest-side requirement only. DevTest running in a Java 1.7 virtual machine (VM) can be used to test applications on application servers running older or newer JREs.

The following table lists the support that is provided for various JDKs:


DevTest Workstation

DevTest Server - Coordinator, Simulator, Registry

DevTest Server - VSE

DevTest Java Agent (CAI)

JDK 1.5

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported


JDK 1.6

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported


JDK 1.7

Required for run time

Required for run time

Required for runtime



Note: DevTest does not support IBM JRE Version 8, Oracle JRE 1.8, or OpenJDK.

Kerberos authentication is not supported on IBM JREs.

DevTest Workstation cannot test web services and messaging backbones on different versions of Java.

The following information provides general guidance on JDK support in DevTest Java Agent (CAI):


DevTest Locks Folder

The following folder in the LISA_HOME directory requires read/write permissions:

In general, the rest of the LISA_HOME directory can be restricted with read-only permissions:

The lisatmp Folder

The following folder in the user home directory (on UNIX, Linux, and OS X) or Documents and Settings (on Windows) requires read/write permissions:

DevTest CICS Agent

The DevTest CICS Agent supports the following CICS versions: 3.2, 4.1, and 4.2.