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CICS Transaction Gateway Listener Step

Use the CICS Transaction Gateway Listener step to simulate a CTG server, including SSL support. The step listens for incoming CTG requests and converts them to a standard virtual request format.

Complete the following fields as described:

Listen on port

Enter the port on which DevTest listens for the CTG traffic.

Bind address

Enter the local IP address on which connections can come in. With no bind address specified, the listen step accepts connections on the specified port regardless of the NIC (or the IP address) it comes in on.

Bind only

To acquire the network resource and move to the next step, select this check box. A second Listen step that does not use the Bind only option is required. This option enables the model to listen on a port (the application queues requests until a listen step consumes them). The model performs setup tasks before dropping into the wait/process/respond loop. For example, Step 1 of the model acquires the listening port (using Bind only) and Step 2 triggers external software that sends requests.

Expect SSL From Clients

If you select this check box, the recorder expects clients to connect to it using SSL. The related keystore and password, if provided, are used to obtain security information (such as certificates).

SSL keystore file

Specifies the name of the keystore file.

Keystore password

Specifies the password associated with the specified keystore file.

CTG Protocol version

Specifies the version of the CTG protocol to use.


Defines the locale that represents the language and country code that are reported to the CTG client during the initial protocol handshake.

JVM text

Describes the JVM on the mainframe.

Server class

Defines a string that the application reports to the client. This field is not typically used.

Client app ID

Defines a string that the application reports to the client. This field is not typically used.

Has security

Specifies to the CTG client whether user authentication is required.

Enable server ping

When a CTG client connects to a server, that server starts sending "ping" messages to the client regularly to verify the connection. This is not strictly necessary where VSE is used in a testing environment, but selecting this option causes the VSE CTG server to emulate those "ping" messages.

Format step response as XML

The VSE framework expects Respond steps to accept one of the following:

Note: If this check box is cleared, the step produces a list of response objects. The step produces the list, even if it contains only one response.

Default: The step response is formatted as XML.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.