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Assumption of Load Testing

By default, DevTest examines various characteristics of a test case or suite at run time and may determine that you are running a load test. If DevTest determines you are running a load test, it reconfigures automatically.

The automatic configuration can be changed by setting the property

Reconfiguration for load testing does several things. The most important is limiting the events that are sent from the simulators executing the test. Specifically, the simulators only send events in the LoadTest filter set. StepStarted, Step Response, Step Response Time, CycleStarted, Log, Profile, and other similar events are not sent to the coordinator and therefore not the DevTest component that started the test (DevTest Workstation or Test Runner).

The reason this is done is that with load tests, the overhead of sending the events quickly exceeds the act of creating load. The coordinator quickly becomes overwhelmed, especially with tests that do not have think time.

If DevTest assumes that you are running a load test, messages similar to the following messages appear in the coordinator log file:

INFO  com.itko.lisa.coordinator.CoordinatorImpl - Configuring for load test (vusers >= 150)
INFO  com.itko.lisa.coordinator.CoordinatorImpl - Configuring for load test
INFO - configuring for load test

An extra message can appear suggesting that you turn off CAI in the staging document.

If your test is part of a suite, the Test Monitor window usually provides no information. Because load tests can generate events faster than the user interface can keep up, some events are ignored. To see these run-time metrics, change the following property:

To tune the parameters of what CA Application Test thinks is a load test, adjust the following properties:


If a staging document has a Default Report Generator, it is assumed NOT to be a load test.

If the number of non-quiet steps per second exceeds 100 or the number of virtual users exceeds 150, then the test is assumed to be a load test.

If you set the property to true, then any test with a staging document that has 0% think time or a test consisting entirely of steps with 0 think time is considered a load test.

Other results of the load testing assumption are: