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External - FTP Step

The FTP step lets you send or receive a file using FTP protocol. After entering the FTP information, user name, and user password you can either upload a file or download a file.

If necessary, you can drag the FTP step editor window to the left to display the Execute Now button.

Complete the following fields:


Enter the host name of the FTP server (without the protocol).


Enter the port for FTP server access. A port is optional; the default port is 21.


Enter the user ID for FTP server access.


Enter the password for FTP server access.


Indicate if the data flow is an upload or a download.


Specify passive or active FTP, or enter a property that indicates passive or active.

Transfer Type

Select the file transfer type; Binary or ASCII, or enter a property that indicates binary or ASCII.

Host Path

Enter the path to the source file (either on the FTP server or local computer).

Local Path

Enter the path for the destination file (either on the FTP server or local computer).

Note: Host Path is the path of the file on the remote computer. Local Path is always the path to the file on the local computer that is running DevTest. When you upload a file, you are uploading the file from the Local Path to the Host Path. When you download a file, you are downloading the file from the Host Path to the Local Path.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.

Click Execute Now to initiate the send/receive action.

The response from a download is the file itself. The response from a successful upload is the string success.

Note: If a file by the same name exists, it is overwritten without a warning message.

The FTP step has a default name using this convention: FTP action (put or get) hostname; for example, FTP get You can change step names at any time.