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JUnit Test Case-Suite

The Execute JUnit Test Case/Suite step lets you run a JUnit test case or a JUnit test suite in a DevTest step. If the JUnit test passes, then so does the test step. After a failure, you can redirect to another test step.

Prerequisite: Your JUnit test must be on the classpath. Drop it into the hot deploy directory.

Complete the following fields:

Test Class

Enter the package name of the JUnit test class or test suite class. You can browse the classpath using the Browse button. This technique also confirms that your class is on your classpath.

If environment error

Select the step to redirect to if the JUnit test fails.

Click Load to load the class files. The class tree is displayed in the left panel.

Click Execute to run the JUnit test. The standard JUnit results are displayed in the right panel.

The JUnit Test Case/Suite step has a default name using this convention: Junit Test Case Suite testclassname. If another step uses the default step name, DevTest appends a number to this step name to keep it unique. You can change step names at any time.