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Configure DevTest to Use a Web Proxy Companion

The Configure DevTest to use a Web Proxy companion lets you set up a proxy for all web testing steps. If your environment dictates the use of a proxy, use this companion. Proxy information is specific to your organization. Consult your operations team for the proxy settings for your company.

To configure the Web Proxy Setup companion, enter the following parameters in the Web Proxy companion editor.

Web Proxy Server (Host & Port)

The name or IP address of the proxy server in the first field, and the port number in the second field.

Bypass web proxy for these Hosts & Domains

Names of the domains and hosts for which you want proxy to be bypassed.

Secure Web Proxy Server (SSL Proxy Host & Port)

The name or IP address of the SSL proxy server in the first field, and the port number in the second field.

Bypass secure web proxy for these Hosts & Domains

Names of the domains and hosts for which you want the secure proxy to be bypassed.

Exclude Simple Hostnames

Select to exclude hostnames like localhost or

Proxy Server Authentication

The domain name with the user name and password, if necessary, for authenticating to the proxy server.

Send Preemptively

Select Wait for Challenge, Send BASIC, or Send NTLM.

DevTest can also use its file to assign a web proxy for all test cases. This file is in the DevTest home directory. Update the and lisa.http.webProxy.port properties as appropriate and restart DevTest. If you do not already have a file in the DevTest home directory, rename the existing to, and use it.