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Unique Code Generator Data Set

The Unique Code Generator data set provides a unique token (or code) each time DevTest calls it. The token can be numeric or alphanumeric, and can have a user-defined prefix prepended to it. The Unique Code Generator is commonly used in testing to create new users, accounts, and so on. By using the generator, you can ensure that the generated token or code does not use a value that is already inside a system.

Complete the following fields:


Enter the name of the data set.


Designates whether the data set is global or local. Global is the default. Local data sets are created with one for each simulator. Global data sets are created once and shared by all simulators.


Whether the record after the current record (sequential access) is read, or a random record is read. Sequential reading is the default.

Max Records to Fetch

The upper bound on the number of records to fetch for random access. This text field is disabled if the Random check box is not selected.

At End Of Data

Select the action for the end of the data set. You can start over, reading values from the start of the data set, or you can select the step to execute.


The type of token to return. The choices are number or alphanumeric.

Prefix (opt)

Prefix to be prepended (optional).

Click the Test and Keep button to test and load the data. A dialog opens to verify that the data set is readable. This dialog shows the first set of data.

This data set always returns a token. The At End of Data section of the Data Set Editor has no meaning for this data set type.