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Create a Numeric Counting Data Set

The Create a Numeric Counting data set assigns a number to a property. The number assigned starts at a specific value and changes by a fixed amount every time the data set is used until it exceeds a known limit. This data set is used to simulate a "for" loop, or to set the number of times something occurs. The following example shows how to use the Create a Numeric Counting data set to make 100 calls to the same step.

Complete the following fields:


Enter the name of the data set.


Designates whether the data set is global or local. Global is the default. Local data sets are created with one for each simulator. Global data sets are created once and shared by all simulators.


Whether the record after the current record (sequential access) is read, or a random record is read. Sequential reading is the default.

Max Records to Fetch

The upper bound on the number of records to fetch for random access. This text field is disabled if the Random check box is not selected.

At End Of Data

Select the action for the end of the data set. You can start over, reading values from the start of the data set, or you can select the step to execute.

Property Key

The name of the property into which the counter value is stored.


The initial counter value.


The final counter value.


The counter step amount. To use counter data set to count backwards, set a negative Increment value.

Click the Test and Keep button to test and load the data. A message confirms that the data set can be read, and shows the first set of data.