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Ensure Properties Are Equal Assertion

The Ensure Properties Are Equal assertion lets you compare the values of two properties to ensure that they are same. Typically this assertion is used with a data set and supplied "expected value" to ensure that the application functionality is correct.

Complete the following fields:


Defines the name of the assertion.


Specifies the behavior of the assertion from the drop-down list.


Specifies the step to which to redirect if the assertion fires.


Identifies event text to print if the assertion fires.

First Property

The first property in the comparison. Enter the property name, select from the drop-down list of properties, select an existing string pattern, or create a string pattern.

Second Property

The second property in the comparison. Enter the property name, select from the drop-down list of properties, select an existing string pattern, or create a string pattern.

Click Run Assertion to execute the assertion.