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ITKO0012 - Image update failed with reason code 999

Message Type:



In the exit XPCREQ (module ITKPCRQ) or exit XPCREQC (module ITKOPCRC), the update an after image failed with the indicated reason code.

The following reason codes are possible:

4- A CICS command error occurred.

5- No image was passed to the update routine.

6- No after EIB in the image that was passed to the update routine.

7- No TKOCLNK in the image that was passed to the update routine.

8- CVARTYP not CVARLINK in the image that was passed to the update routine.

9- CLNKEYE not 'CLNK' in the image that was passed to the update routine.

10-CVARLEN is zero in the image that was passed to the update routine.

11-CTNREYE not 'CTNR' in the image that was passed to the update routine.


Report the error to Support.