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Check Links on Web Responses

The Check Links on Web Responses assertion verifies that every link on the returned web page is valid and does not return an HTTP error like a 404 error, or others. This assertion is commonly used to ensure that the links are working properly across the application and there are no inactive links on the page.

Complete the following fields:


Defines the name of the assertion.


Specifies the behavior of the assertion from the drop-down list.


Specifies the step to which to redirect if the assertion fires.


Identifies event text to print if the assertion fires.

The following criteria can be checked for the links:

Check only links in the same domain

Checks only links in the current domain of the returned web page.

Include query strings

If any query strings are present on the returned web page, then they are checked.

Include anchors (<_a>)

Any anchor links in the current web page are checked.

Include images

All the images on the returned web page are checked.

Include assets (<_link> & <_script>)

The current web page is checked for script and links.

Skip Links Matching RegEx

Enter a RegEx expression for any links you want to skip.