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Parse XML Result for DevTest Tags

The Parse XML Result for DevTest Tags filter provides a way for developers to test-enable their XML applications. For an in-depth study on test-enabling, see Using the SDK.

This filter lets you insert LISAPROP tags into your XML page. The LISAPROP tag has two attributes: name and value. The LISAPROP tags function only to provide valuable information about your XML to a tester. An example of a LISAPROP is:

<LISAPROP name="FIRST_USER" value="sbellum">.

If a tester has installed this type of filter, the property "FIRST_USER" is automatically assigned the value sbellum. This filter removes any need on behalf of the tester to parse for this value. This type of filter helps a developer make the testing easier.

Sometimes the XML does not contain the information that is necessary to validate properly, or that information is difficult to parse. Even when the information exists, subtle changes in the generated XML can result in incorrect parsing. This LISAPROP filter can resolve many parsing issues.

No parameters are required.