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Parse HTML into List of Attributes

The Parse HTML into List of Attributes filter lets you store the text of a set of attributes as a list in a property.

Complete the following fields:

Filter in

The name of the property to consider as the last response for the step. If the property is not in the pull-down menu, you can enter it. The property must exist.

Outer Tag

The outer element that contains the list of tags to parse. For example, to store all the links from all the anchor tags in a table, enter "table".

Outer Tag Count

The occurrence of the outer tag. For the second table, enter "2".

Inner Tag

The tag to retrieve the values from. For example, for all the anchor tags in the table enter "a".

Filter Attribute

An optional field to specify attribute names that must not appear in the pick list.

Filter Value

An optional field to specify attribute values that must not appear in the pick list.


The attribute of the inner tag to retrieve the text from. If this field is blank, the child text of the inner tag is returned. To store all the links from all of the anchor tags in a table, enter "href".

Property Key

The name of the property to store the text of the attribute.

Filter Run Results

Displays the property and values that result from running the filter.

Run Filter

To run and execute the filter, click Run Filter. The results appear in the Filter Run Results section.