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Run Test Cases with LISA Invoke

The syntax for running test cases with LISA Invoke is:


The parameters are:


The path to the test case to invoke.


The path to the staging document. If not provided, a default staging document is created.


The path to the configuration. If not provided, the project.config file for the project is used.


If true, then the response includes a callback key. If not provided, the parameter is set to false.


The path to the coordinator. If not provided, the default coordinator name is used.


Example: Synchronous Invocation

The following URL performs a synchronous invocation of the AccountControlMDB test case in the examples project.


The following XML response indicates that the test case passed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <method name="RunTest">
      <param name="stagingDocPath" value="examples/StagingDocs/1user1cycle0think.stg" />
      <param name="coordName" value="Coordinator" />
      <param name="configPath" value="" />
      <param name="testCasePath" value="examples/Tests/AccountControlMDB.tst" />
      <param name="callbackKey" value="64343533653737312D343765312D3439" />
    <pass count="1" />
    <fail count="0" />
    <warning count="0" />
    <error count="0" />


Example: Asynchronous Invocation

The following URL performs an asynchronous invocation of the AccountControlMDB test case in the examples project.


The following XML response shows the callback key in the result element.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <method name="RunTest">
      <param name="stagingDocPath" value="examples/StagingDocs/1user1cycle0think.stg" />
      <param name="coordName" value="" />
      <param name="configPath" value="" />
      <param name="testCasePath" value="examples/Tests/AccountControlMDB.tst" />
      <param name="callbackKey" value="61663038653562382D663566372D3432" />
      <param name="async" value="true" />
    <message>The LISA test 'examples/Tests/AccountControlMDB.tst' was launched asynchronously at Mon Mar 26 16:05:39 PDT 2012.</message>