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Convert a JMS Message to a VSE Request

The Convert a JMS Message to a VSE Request filter is automatically added from the VSE Recorder. This filter serves the specific purpose that enables proper functioning with recordings. Use it carefully. If this filter is added to a step in a VSE model, do not remove or edit it.

Complete the following fields:

Filter in

The name of the property to consider as the last response for the step. If the property is not in the pull-down menu, you can enter it. The property must exist.

Object form

Select to get the Object Form.

Track Correlation ID

Select to track the correlation ID.

Track Message ID

Select to track the message ID.

Transaction Tracking Type

Select appropriate tracking type from: Sequential, Correlation ID, Message ID, or Message ID to Correlation ID.

Run Filter

To run and execute the filter, click Run Filter. The results appear in the Filter Run Results section.