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Get Value For Another Value in a ResultSet Row

The Get Value for Another Value in a ResultSet Row filter lets you search a column (field) in a result set for a specific value. If the value is found the value in another column (field) and the same row is placed in a property.

You can create this filter either manually from the filter list or by using the embedded filter commands on a result set response.

To create the filter manually:

Complete the following fields:

Filter in

The name of the property to consider as the last response for the step. If the property is not in the pull-down menu, you can enter it. The property must exist.

Search Text (Regular Expression)

The search string.

Search Column (1-based or Name)

The index or name of the column to search.

Value Column (1-based or Name)

The index or name of the column to extract the property value.


The name of the property to store the value.

Filter Run Results

Displays the property and values that result from running the filter.

Run Filter

To run and execute the filter, click Run Filter. The results appear in the Filter Run Results section.

To create the filter from a result set response:

  1. Display the step response that contains the result set.
  2. From the result set select the two values in different columns, using the Ctrl key.

    Create the filter from a result set response

  3. Select Filter for a value and then get another column value filter using the Filter Icon patchwork icon.
  4. In the the Generate Value for Value Filter dialog, select or reassign the columns for the search and the value, then enter the Property Key.

    Generate Value for Value Filter dialog

  5. Click OK.

The filter that is created in this example is the same as the filter you created manually in the previous example.

In the example, sbellum is searched for, and if found, the value in the EMAIL column of that row is placed in the property theEmail.