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Size of JDBC Result Set

The Size of JDBC Result Set filter lets you check that the result set returned in each JDBC-based step matches the criteria that are specified. The filter is a simple filter to handle most common database errors automatically.

This filter does not affect non-JDBC steps, and is often used as a global filter in a test case.

Complete the following fields:

Result Set Has Warnings

Some databases return warnings in the result set. If your database supports this feature and you want a warning to fire the On error step for this filter, select this check box.

Row Count >=

The minimum number of rows in the result set. If the result set contains less than this value, the filter sets the next step to the value specified in On Error step.

Row Count <_=

The maximum number of rows in the result set. If the result set contains more than this value, the filter sets the next step to the value specified in On Error step.

On Error

The step to execute if the conditions for this filter are not met.

Note: This filter can serve the purpose of a general global assertion because you can select a next step based on the presence of an error.