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Parse Property Value As Argument String

The Parse Property Value As Argument String filter lets you store the text of a specific attribute in a property. This filter is useful as a second filter, where you parse a filtered value for information.

Complete the following fields:

Filter in

The name of the existing property to parse. For example, to parse the "lisa.deleteUser.cookies.rsp" property to return the value of the SESSIONID attribute, enter lisa.deleteUser.cookies.rsp.


Select this check box if the property value is a URL.


The attribute to retrieve. The example shows the JSESSIONID attribute.


The name of the property to store the text of the attribute. The example shows sessionID.

Default (if not found)

If the attribute is not found, the default value to use.

Filter Run Results

Displays the property and values that result from running the filter.

Run Filter

To run and execute the filter, click Run Filter. The results appear in the Filter Run Results section.