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Obtain Information About a Lab

You can use LISA Invoke to obtain basic information about a running lab. The syntax is as follows:


The available lab keys are included in the response to the listRunnableLabs operation. For more information, see List the Available Labs.

The response is an XML document. The following information is provided:

If the lab is in the middle of starting, then some of the information is not available.

If the lab cannot be found, the response contains an error message.



The following URL makes a request to obtain information about a lab whose key is VCD:50.


The following response contains the lab information.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <method name="GetLab">
    <params />
    <lab name="MM-Test run by rich-50" key="VCD:50">
      <labMember name="Coordinator_1_50_16_15_3" serviceName="tcp://" ip="" />
      <labMember name="Simulator_2_23_20_80_144" serviceName="tcp://" ip="" />
      <labMember name="Simulator_1_23_21_5_69" serviceName="tcp://" ip="" />