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Metrics Report

To produce a Metrics Report:

  1. From a test/suite report, right-click on a test or suite.
  2. Select Analyze, Metrics to display a metrics chart or grid.
  3. From that report, click Export to PDF PDF icon.

    The Select a Report window opens.

  4. Select Metrics Report from the list of available reports and click OK.

    Reports: Metrics Report

    When you right-click to see the metrics chart on the window, the legend is interactive and you can select events and the auto-scale parameter. In the PDF report, use the Customize drop-down to make selections.

    Report: Metrics Report graph

    The Customize button allows you to select the following options:

    Examples of each customized report follow.


Detailed Summary

Report: Metrics Report Detailed Summary


Auto-Scale Y Axis

Compare this report to the same report shown previously to see the auto-scaled Y axis.

Report: Metrics Report Detailed Summary with auto-scaled Y axis


All Metrics

All Metrics is the default selection for the metrics reports. If you have selected No Metrics or if you have selected Metrics in the Customize drop-down, you can select All Metrics to display all metrics available for the report.


No Metrics

When you select No Metrics from the Customize drop-down, all metrics are cleared from the Metrics Chart.



You can select which metrics appear on the Metrics Chart by selecting individual metrics that are available in the Metrics drop-down.

Reports - Metrics drop-down menu for options