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Testing your ICT Installation

After the server-side portion of ICT is up and running, you should test that you can connect from DevTest Workstation.

To accomplish this:

  1. Open DevTest Workstation.
  2. Create a new test case named ICT Connection Test.
  3. Inside of this test case, create a new Dynamic Java Execution test step.
  4. In the editor for the new test step, select the Remote option.
  5. Set the Remote Container Type drop-down list to your connection protocol, either EJB or RMI.


Remote Container Type is EJB

If you are using EJB as the connection protocol, click Configure to enter the configuration settings for your protocol.

For example, fill in the Configure EJB Server dialog with host name or IP address and port number of the J2EE container running ICT.

Configure EJB Server window


Remote Container Type is RMI

If you are using RMI as the connection protocol, here is an example of the Configure RMI Server dialog that you can use for RMI settings.

Configure RMI Server dialog

After you have successfully tested the connection to the ICT Server, enter java.util.Date in the Make New Object of Class field and click Construct/Load Object to create a new in-container instance of the java.util.Date class.

Your installation is complete and you are ready to use ICT.



The ICT Server-side classes depend on the following third-party libraries:

These dependencies are intentionally distributed as separate files with DevTest ICT JAR files to make ICT integration easier. Because the application that you are testing may already include some or all of these libraries in its classpath, adding these dependencies to the classpath may not be necessary.