The syntax for a property is {{property_name}}.
When a property is identified and ready for use, the current value of the property replaces {{property_name}}. Sometimes a property is expected, and is the only choice. Other times, you are asked for the property name explicitly. In these cases, you enter the property name without the braces. Use the brace notation when properties are embedded in a text string. Other syntax allows property expressions to be used: {{=expression}} or {{property_name=expression}}.
A property name can contain spaces. However, using spaces is not recommended. The characters that define the property syntax ( {,}, and = ) cannot be used. If you reference a nonexistent or invalid property, DevTest leaves it in the braces.
When editing properties files, which contain UNIX-style line feeds, use an appropriate editor like WordPad.
Note: All property names that start with lisa. are reserved for internal use. DevTest may hide or delete properties that start with lisa.
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