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Tracer Configuration

All DevTest tracing can be disabled by removing all references to DevTest-specific .pbl files (lisa-full.pbl or lisa-typical.pbl) in the agent profile (IntroscopeAgent.profile by default). You can also delete Lisa.jar. However, if there are any references remain to the tracers defined in lisa.pbd, the agent fails to start correctly. This failure is due to an attempt to use a tracer that cannot be found in any agent extension.

The Test Event tracer can be disabled by commenting out the "TurnOn: LisaTestEventTracing" directive in the active DevTest toggles file (lisa-toggles-full.pbd or lisa-toggles-typical.pbd).

You can use a number of other parameters to limit the number of metrics that reported. These parameters are defined in the lisa.pbd file. You can control the following parameters:

Metrics that are generated below the current setting of minMetricLevel are aggregated until they reach minMetricLevel. Those metrics are then reported from that level up to maxRollupLevel, unless minMetricLevel is above the maxRollupLevel. If minMetricLevel is above the maxRollupLevel, metrics are not reported at all. Any metrics that are generated at a level above the maxRollupLevel are reported only at the generated level, not at the aggregated level.

In addition, six more parameters allow the Test Event tracer to restrict metrics to selected combinations of test cases, simulators, or test steps. You can configure the tracer to include or exclude based on the name of the test case, simulator, or test step. You can match the name against regular expressions or a pair of regular expressions. All names that match the inclusion regular expression and that do not match the exclusion regular expression are selected to report metrics. If the inclusion regular expression is not defined, all names are included. If the exclusion regular expression is not defined, no names are excluded.

By default, all possible test cases, simulators, and test steps are included. Only the internal test steps named "abort" and "end" are excluded. If the regular expression contains certain special characters (for example, the | symbol that is used to specify alternative patterns), the entire regular expression must be in double quotation marks. The quotation marks are optional otherwise. The following shows the default inclusion and exclusion patterns that are defined in lisa.pbd.

SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer includeTestCasesRegExp ""
SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer excludeTestCasesRegExp ""
SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer includeSimulatorsRegExp ""
SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer excludeSimulatorsRegExp ""
SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer includeTestStepsRegExp ""
SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer excludeTestStepsRegExp "abort|end"

You can configure the metric path under which metrics are reported. The DevTest level part of the metric path is the last value that is specified in the TraceOneMethodWithParametersIfFlagged directive for the [set the init variable for your book] method. This defaults to "DevTest". For the remaining levels, the following parameters define the parts of the metric path for the levels Test Case, Simulator, and Test Step:

Avoid the following character usage in the values for these parameters:

An underscore (_) replaces each occurrence of a colon or vertical bar character. Leading and trailing spaces are removed from these names. The value "Unknown" replaces any name with a null value or an empty string.

The default values for these parameters are applied if the parameter is commented out or is an empty string. Each value must contain the relevant placeholder to indicate the place at which the name of the relevant level is inserted into the metric path. The following shows the default values defined in lisa.pbd:

SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer pathComponentForTestCase "Test Case|{TestCase}"
SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer pathComponentForSimulator "Simulator|{Simulator}"
SetTracerParameter: LisaCoordinatorTracer pathComponentForTestStep "Step|{TestStep}"