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Create a New Hook

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Java class that extends com.itko.lisa.test.Hook.

    This class provides the information that is required to execute the logic for your hook.

    public class HeadlineHook extends Hook
  2. Implement the startupHook method.

    DevTest calls this method when the test starts. If an error occurs or you otherwise want to prevent the test from executing normally, throw a TestRunException.

    public void startupHook( TestExec testExec ) throws TestRunException
  3. Implement the endHook method.

    You have an opportunity to perform any post-execution logic for the test.

    public void endHook( TestExec testExec )
  4. (Optional) Implement the


    method to integrate into Portal Test Monitoring facility.

    You can provide a detailed message for the hook.

    public void setLongMsg( boolean isStarting, String msg )