Using the SDK › Extending DevTest Solutions › Extension Concepts › The Test Exec Class
The Test Exec Class
The com.itko.lisa.test.TestExec class provides access to the state of the test and convenience functions for performing common tasks within DevTest elements. A TestExec parameter is passed to most DevTest element methods. Some of the most useful methods that the TestExec class provides include:
- log: Fires a EVENT_LOGMSG TestEvent including the string parameter.
- getStateObject: Takes a string property key and returns the value of that property.
- setStateValue: Takes a string property key and an Object and sets the value of that property to the specified Object value.
- setNextNode: Takes the string name of a node and sets the next test case to fire to that test case.
- raiseEvent: Allows you to fire an arbitrary DevTest event.
For more information about the com.itko.lisa.test.TestExec class, see the JavaDocs in the doc folder of your installation directory.
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