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Custom Companions

This section explains how to extend DevTest Solutions with a new companion.

You can create custom companions in two different ways. Native companions are created in much the same way that Native test steps are created. And somewhat like the Custom Java test step, there is a simpler way in which DevTest shields you from most of the editor and serialization overhead. That approach is documented here.

Note: If a companion contains duplicate parameter values, the duplicates are filtered out when you save the test case. You must close the test case and then reopen it to see the change in the user interface. This problem is specific to custom companions because of an issue with the implementation of the lifecycle of custom companions.
If you have a test case containing a custom companion that wrote duplicate parameters into the .tst file, there is a workaround. Reopen the .tst file, click save, close the .tst file, and then reopen it. The duplicates are removed during the save, but the companion UI does not update to reflect this change. The close and reopen step is required to see the change.

This section contains the following topics:

Create a New Companion

Deploy a New Companion