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Log File Overview

This section describes the following log files and where they are located.

Main Log Files

The main log files include:

The lisa.tmpdir property controls the location of these log files. To see the value of the lisa.tmpdir property from DevTest Workstation:

  1. Click Help, DevTest Runtime Info from the main menu.
  2. In the System Properties tab, locate lisa.tmpdir.

If the registry, coordinator, simulator, or VSE is running as a Windows service, the log files are located in the LISA_HOME\lisatmp directory.

Note: Although lisa.tmpdir allows you to change the location of where you can store your temporary files, CA does not recommend that you change this property to save the temporary files out to an external mount point or external share. If you encounter issues with product instability, and you are using an external share for temp file storage, Support might instruct you to go back to using a local disk for temp file storage for continued support of your environment.

Demo Server Log Files

The demo server has its own log files, which are located in the lisa-demo-server/jboss/server/default/log directory.

The lisa.tmpdir property does not control this location.

The demo server log files are: