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Run DevTest Tests as JUnit Tests

The JUnit step supports JUnit3 and JUnit4 test cases and test suites. This procedure describes the steps that are required to execute DevTest tests as JUnit tests and have them report as native JUnit tests.

Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure both Ant and JUnit are available on your PC and ANT_HOME\bin is set in your PATH.
  2. Copy junit.jar from your JUnit installation into ANT_HOME\lib.
  3. Define the system property LISA_HOME and set its value to the DevTest install directory.
  4. Use the junitlisa task to execute DevTest tests as JUnit tests.
  5. (Optional) Use the junitlisareport task to create HTML-based reports from the JUnit XML output.

Logging output is written to a junitlisa_log.log file in the user.home\lisatmp directory.

The logging level that is used is the same level that is set in LISA_HOME\


To change the logging level:

Edit the first line of this file, from:




The Standard JUnit output is available at user.home\lisatmp\junit\index.html.