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Virtual TCP/IP Listener Step

Use this step to simulate TCP/IP connections to a server application. The step listens for incoming TCP/IP traffic and converts it to a standard VSE request.

The default name for the Virtual TCP/IP Listener step is Virtual TCP/IP Listener<portnumber>. You can rename the step at any time.

Complete the following fields as described:

Listen port

Enter the port on which DevTest listens for the TCP/IP traffic.

Bind address

Enter the local IP address on which connections can come in. With no bind address specified, the listen step accepts connections on the specified port regardless of the NIC (or the IP address) on which it comes in.

Use SSL to server

Specifies whether to send an SSL (secured layer) request to the server.


Cleared: The application does not send an SSL request to the server.

Use SSL to client

This option is only enabled if Use SSL to Server has been selected. Check whether we can play back an SSL request from the client using a custom client keystore. When you specify Use SSL to client, you are allowed to specify a custom keystore and a passphrase. If these values are entered, they are used rather than the hard-coded defaults.

SSL keystore file

Click Select... to browse to your SSL keystore file. The same keystore file must be available to the VSE server to which the VS model is deployed.

Keystore password

Enter the keystore password, then click Verify.

Format step response as XML

The VSE framework expects Respond steps to accept one of the following:

Note: If this check box is cleared, the step produces a list of response objects. The step produces the list, even if it contains only one response.

Default: The step response is formatted as XML.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.