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Virtual Java Listener Step

Use this step to handle virtualized JVM calls, such as calls to an EJB or other remote system. The step listens for the method calls that the DevTest Java Agent intercepts, and converts them to a standard VSE request.

Available Online Agents

Lists all the online agents that are available to connect.

Connected Agents

Lists all the online or offline agents that are connected for the virtual service model. The offline agents display in a gray italic font.


Connecting Agents

You can select agents from the Available Online Agents list. Select the agent or agents and click the right arrow button. The agent moves to the connected agents list.

When you select an agent from either the Available Online Agents list or the connected agents list, the information bar below the list displays host and Main Class information for the agent.

To add an agent manually to the connected agents list, use the Add Agent field above the Connected Agents.

The agent name cannot be empty or already present in the connected agents list. If the agent name entered exists in the online agents list, it is moved from the online agents to the connected agents list.

If an existing agent is not in the Available Online Agents list, type it in the dialog and click AddLISA--icon_image_whiteplussignbluecircle.

This mechanism is primarily provided for adding offline agents that were not previously in the connected list.


Disconnecting Agents

To disconnect an agent, select the agent from the connected agents list and click the left arrow button.


Selecting Classes and Protocols

To search for classes, select the Search for Classes arrow and enter a class name. These classes are entered as fully qualified names (including package), using regular expressions. To select classes, select the class name on the list and select the right arrow to move the class into the right pane. Some classes appear more than once; it is only necessary to select a class once for it to be virtualized.

To enter a class manually, select the Manually Enter a Class Name arrow. Enter the name of the class. To move the class in the right pane, select it and click the right arrow. To retrieve a list of classes that the DevTest agent suggested for virtualization, select the Agent Suggestions arrow and click Retrieve Retrieve icon.

To add a protocol to the recording, select the Protocols arrow. From the list of available protocols, select any to record and click the right arrow to move them in the right pane.

To view or change the configuration information for a protocol, double-click any row with three dots (...) to the right of the protocol name. The Protocol Configuration window opens, and you can update the parameters.