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Socket Server Emulator Step

Use this step to simulate any text-based server socket (typically HTTP). The Socket Server Emulator step supports listening, responding, and binding. The Socket Server Emulator step is low level. If you use this step, you must verify that the block of text that the respond step sends is fully HTTP-compliant.

Note: When you use the Socket Server Emulator step in response mode, the text to go out must result in a valid HTTP response message.

Complete the following fields as described:

Process mode

From the list, select the process mode.


Listen port

Enter the port on which DevTest listens for the HTTP/S traffic.

Bind address

Enter the local IP address on which connections can come in. With no bind address specified, the listen step accepts connections on the specified port regardless of the NIC (or the IP address) on which it comes in.

Close immediately

This option instructs the step to do the configured work and then immediately clean up its network resources. Select this check box to use design-time testing of this step.


Select this check box to simulate a secure HTTPS website. Then supply the SSL keystore information.

SSL keystore file

Click Select... to browse to your SSL keystore file. The same keystore file must be available to the VSE server to which the VS model is deployed.

Keystore password

Enter the keystore password, then click Verify.

Base path

Identify the HTTP requested resource URIs that the listen step is to process. When the request comes in, the list of queue names is scanned for a name (base path) that starts the URI on the request. The queue name that matches is the one into which the request is placed. The listen step that is associated with the queue (by base path) processes the request.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.

Record terminator

For a socket emulator that simulates a record-based service, enter the character to mark the end of a record. If you leave this field blank, either line-oriented records or the HTTP protocol are simulated.

Ensure proper HTTP response format

When in a process mode that sends a response and the response is to be a valid HTTP response, this option verifies:

This check box only verifies that the line separators are HTTP-compliant and that the Content-Length header is present and accurate. However, to work completely, the message must already be a well-formed HTTP message.

Default: Selected

Listener status

Indicates whether the listener is running.


Click to test the listener setup.

Clear Listener

Click to stop the test of the step.

Response tab

The Response to Send includes the text for the response.

Read Response From File

Click to browse the file system for a response.

Request tab

Displays the Last/Original Request, which is used only at design time. This tab displays the last request that the step received.

The default name for the Socket Server Emulator step is Socket Server Emulator <portnumber>. You can rename the step at any time.