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Virtual JDBC Listener Step

Use the Virtual JDBC Listener step to control the simulation of JDBC database traffic. The step manages the communication with the simulation driver that is embedded in the database client.

The default name for the Virtual JDBC Listener step is Virtual JDBC Listener<portnumber>. You can rename the step at any time.

Complete the following fields as described:

Endpoint Information

Set up the simulation host and range of ports (the default is 2999) as appropriate. JDBC VSE supports multiple endpoints during recording and playback. The endpoint information is a table that contains:

When Base Port and Max Port differ, a unique endpoint is created for each port between Base Port and Max Port, inclusive.

Format step response as XML

The VSE framework expects Respond steps to accept one of the following:

Note: If this check box is cleared, the step produces a list of response objects. The step produces the list, even if it contains only one response.

Default: The step response is formatted as XML.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.


To connect to the JDBC simulator, click Connect. If connected, click Disconnect to end the connection. You can use this button to validate the connection information.

Installed and Initialized JDBC Drivers

Lists the JDBC drivers that are installed and initialized in the database client.

Current SQL Activity

Identifies the current SQL activity in the database client.