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Virtual Conversational/Stateless Response Selector Step

You could consider the Virtual Conversational/Stateless Response Selector step as the main step in any VSM. It reviews a specified service image and selects an appropriate virtual response for a specific request. Because there can be multiple responses for a request, the responses are always shown as a list. The step is typically created when you record and virtualize some form of service traffic.

Complete the following fields as described:

Service Image Location

Select from the drop-down list of available service images to associate with this step. When you have chosen a service image here, view it or edit it by clicking Open and it opens in a new tab.

Request property name

To define the property to review for the inbound request, set the property name. The property name is usually the response from the previous step.

Format step response as XML

The VSE framework expects Respond steps to accept one of the following:

Note: If this check box is cleared, the step produces a list of response objects. The step produces the list, even if it contains only one response.

Default: The step response is formatted as XML.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.