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Web Services (SOAP Headers)

The SOAP Headers data protocol converts elements from the header of a SOAP message into arguments for requests in a virtual service image. This data protocol is compatible with any transport protocol that generates SOAP messages (typically HTTP/S).

To use the SOAP Headers data protocol, generate a VS Image either by recording or from request/response pairs. You typically use the HTTP/S transport protocol. Add the SOAP Headers data protocol as a Request Side data protocol. This data protocol does not require any extra configuration.

This data protocol can be used with the SOAP data protocol to process both SOAP headers and the SOAP body.

Arguments are named based on the structure of the XML.



<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
<n1:ServiceControl xmlns:n1="http://localhost:8080/examples.xsd">

This example would be parsed into elements that are named as follows:

Duplicate elements are named with _1, _2, and so on, appended to the name.