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Create a Service Image from Request-Response Pairs in the UI

This procedure describes how to create a virtual service image from request/response pairs using the UI.

Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the VirtualServices, Images icon and select Create New VS Image, From Request/Response Pairs.

    The Virtual Service From Request/Response Pairs page opens.

  2. Enter a service image name and the name of a VS model file.
  3. Accept the default values for the remaining fields on this window and click Next.

    Note: To load parameters from a previously saved service image, click Load from File Image of blue folder icon at the bottom of the window.

  4. Browse the file system for the directory that contains your request/response pairs.

    The request/response pairs should be named with a unique identifier, then a "-req" on the request side and a "-rsp" on the response side, with an .xml or .txt extension. For example, addUserObject-req.xml and addUserObject-rsp.xml.

    Note: A request can have multiple responses. Using the previous example, the following file names would create one request with three responses.

    VSE generates a transaction for each request/response pair in the directory you specify. For HTTP/S, the files must contain the entire SOAP envelope and the headers.

  5. Specify the following information:
  6. Click Configure.

    The configuration window for the selected transport protocol opens.

  7. Enter the configuration information for the request and click Finish.

    The Virtual Service from Request/Response Pairs window opens.

  8. Click Configure again to persist the values you entered.

    If you select a different protocol, that protocol is presented. You can provide the configuration information for it.

  9. Click Next.

    The Data Protocols panel opens, where the request/response pairs were analyzed and appropriate data protocols for the request and response were defaulted.

  10. Make any changes or add more data protocols and click Next.

    The virtual service request/response pairs for token identification and conversations display. Only stateless transactions are supported from request/response pairs.

  11. Click Next.

    Note: To save the settings on this recording to load to another service image recording, click Save Image of the Save icon above the Finish button.

    After the processing of the VS image finishes, you can open the service image and the virtual service model.