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Work with VSMs

A Virtual Service Model (VSM) is a specialized type of test case that becomes the endpoint of a virtualized service. To start the Virtual Service Image Recorder, create a VSM.

Create a VSM

Follow these steps:

  1. Open an existing project or create a project.

    The project opens, and the left Project panel shows the project folder and its subfolders.

  2. Right-click the VirtualServices subfolder node and select Create New VS Model.

    Although you can also create a VS Model in another folder, it is a good practice to create it under the VirtualServices folder.

    The VS Model Editor window opens.

  3. Browse to the location for the new VSM.
  4. Enter a unique name for the VSM in the File name field. The extension is .vsm.
  5. Click Save.

    The new VSM opens.

    When a VSM is open, the Commands menu shows menu items relevant to a VSM.

Open a VSM

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Open on the toolbar, or select a project from the Open Recent project list on the Quick Start window.
  2. Select the virtual service model from its folder in the Project panel.

    Virtual service models typically reside in the VServices or VirtualServices folder.