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Create a Service Image from a WSDL

You can generate a virtual web service image from a WSDL in the following ways:

From the Quick Start Menu

This procedure describes how to create a virtual service image from a WSDL using the UI.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Create an SI from a WSDL from the Quick Start menu.

  2. Enter the name of a WSDL on the Connection tab.

    Click Utilities Image of gear icon with a down arrow to find WSDLs on your system.

    After you enter the WSDL name, the Service and Port fields are populated. The associated operations are listed on the Operations tab. You can select All or None, or you can use the check boxes to select specific operations to test.

  3. Enter the name of the service image to create in the Save to field at the bottom of the window.

    Note: If the default service image name is already in use, a warning icon appears.Image of the warning icon

  4. Click the green arrow LISA--icon_image_rightarrowingreencircle at the bottom of the window.

    The Service Image Editor opens with your service image displayed.

From Create New VS Image

This procedure describes how to create a virtual service image from a WSDL using the New VS Image option.

Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click VirtualServices, Images, on the Project panel and select Create New VS Image, From WSDL.

    The Virtual Service From WSDL window opens.

  2. Enter a service image name and the name of a VS model file.
  3. Accept the default values for the remaining fields on this window.

    Note: To load parameters from a previously saved service image, click Load from File Image of blue folder icon at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click Next.

    The Connection tab opens.

  5. Enter the port number to which the virtual service listens in the Listen on port field at the bottom of the window.
  6. Add the WSDL to be virtualized in the WSDL URL field.

    This entry can be a local file or a URL.

  7. Select the service in that WSDL that must be virtualized, in the Service field.

    Usually, only one selection is available.

  8. Select the operations in that service to virtualize.

    By default, all the operations are selected.

  9. Click Next.

    The request/response side data protocols options open.

  10. Select Web Services (SOAP).

    The Request Side Data Protocols list is prepopulated with Web Services (SOAP) and the XML data protocol handlers. The Response Side Data Protocols list is automatically populated with the Delimited Text data protocol.

  11. Click Next.
  12. See Delimited Text Data Protocol in Using CA Service Virtualization for information about how to configure the Delimited Text data protocol. When you have configured the Delimited Text data protocol, click Next.

    On the next window, the service image is generated and the wizard is finished.

  13. Click Finish.

    Note: To save the settings on this recording to load to another service image recording, click Save Image of the Save icon above the Finish button.

    The blank virtual service model is populated with steps.

  14. Save the virtual service model.

    The service image that was generated is a stub service. The service image returns correctly formatted responses, but the values are default values.

    The Service Model (VSM) that was saved is the model that is deployed to the Virtual Service Environment.