Informational Message—the server task has successfully initialized its services. This occurs once during CA DRAS startup. Following the message, CA DRAS is ready to accept client logons.
Informational Message—the server task has successfully initialized its message processing. This occurs once during CA DRAS startup.
The CA DRAS task failed to initialize. This was caused by a failure to initialize the message processing component.
Verify that CAI.CAILIB contains the CAHFMSGS load module. Check your configuration information (referenced by the DRASCFG DD statement.) Also check the started task JCL to ensure that all required files are allocated and available. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Connection Services.
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Repository Services.
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Request Services
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish View Services
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Table Services
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Compiler Services
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Driver Services
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Expression Services
If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to initialize the service. If so, attempt to increase the REGION parameter and restart CA DRAS. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
Error Message—during initialization, the server task failed to establish Catalog Services.
If the listed status was 5, CA DRAS was unable to open its catalog file. Verify that the CAHFDCAT module is in CAI.CAILIB. If the listed status was 20, CA DRAS could not obtain enough storage in order to process its catalog file. Increase the REGION parameter and restart the CA DRAS task. For more information on other status codes, see the Status Codes table at the beginning of this appendix. If the problem persists, contact CA Support for assistance.
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