All (normal) messages logged by the CA DRAS server task are of the format:
Mmm dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss CAHFxxxnnnl
This consists of the date and time (Mm, dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss) the message was issued, the messages name (CAHFcccnnnl where ccc is the CAHF component, nnn, the number; and l, the severity level), and descriptive text.
Additional messages may be relayed by CA DRAS to the client and the log originating from one of the Repository Agents, CA Dispatch, or CA View. These typically have the same message name prefix as the agent interfaces base product. The prefixes are listed later in this appendix.
Messages issued by the Repository Agents are contained in the message guides of the repository products. For more information and suggested actions for the base messages provided in this appendix, see the product-specific documentation.
A numeric value status code appears in many of the CA DRAS messages. If the message includes a status code ( "...status = <status code>"), the code is one of the following values:
The following Status codes indicate normal operation:
0 (STC_Success)
12 (STC_EndOfData) represents normal operation under most circumstances
52 (STC_SuccessWithCLConvOn)
53 (STC_SuccessWithCLConvOff)
The following table describes all the possible status values and corresponding descriptions.
Status Code |
Description |
000 |
STC_Success (normal) |
001 |
STC_BadHandle |
002 |
STC_InvalidArgument |
003 |
STC_NotActive |
004 |
STC_Warning |
005 |
STC_NotFound |
006 |
STC_NotEnough |
007 |
STC_UnknownError |
008 |
STC_SystemError |
009 |
STC_LogicError |
010 |
STC_TimeOut (Timeout with Host System) |
011 |
STC_Reconfigured |
012 |
STC_EndOfData (normal, usually) |
013 |
STC_Conflict |
014 |
STC_CatalogError |
015 |
STC_ObjectBusy |
016 |
STC_NotSupported |
017 |
STC_AbandonTuple |
018 |
STC_AbandonRelation |
019 |
STC_NullTable |
020 |
STC_Storage |
021 |
STC_NullPointer |
022 |
STC_Size |
023 |
STC_DriverError |
024 |
STC_PathError |
025 |
STC_ParserError |
026 |
STC_Duplicate |
027 |
STC_OpenError |
028 |
STC_SyntaxError |
029 |
STC_AgentError |
030 |
STC_LengthError |
031 |
STC_Full |
032 |
STC_CommunicationError (CCI Error) |
033 |
STC_ConnectionError |
034 |
STC_CancelRequest |
035 |
STC_EnqueueError |
036 |
STC_DequeueError |
037 |
STC_SubsystemError |
038 |
STC_LogonError |
039 |
STC_FdamError |
040 |
STC_FdamNullView |
041 |
STC_InvalidRPCHandle |
042 |
STC_InsufficientTableSpace (storage problem) |
043 |
STC_ContinueRequest |
044 |
STC_GlobalAnchorError (storage problem) |
045 |
STC_NullHandle |
046 |
STC_DbunError |
052 |
STC_SuccessWithCLConvOn (normal) |
053 |
STC_SuccessWithCLConvOff (normal) |
054 |
STC_SuccessCLConvOnNPE |
055 |
STC_SuccessCLConvOffNPE |
056 |
STC_StatusSupported |
057 |
STC_LongwaitTimeout |
CA DRAS messages contain a severity code as described earlier in this appendix. The available codes and meanings are listed in the following table:
Code |
Description |
I |
Informational message. No action is necessary. |
W |
Warning message. Usually, no action is necessary. |
E |
Error. Requires corrective action or input. May require contacting CA Support. |
S |
Severe error. May include an ABEND. Requires corrective action or input. May require contacting CA Support. |
CA DRAS can take any of four user ABENDs when a critical component is lost. Each of these force termination of the CA DRAS task. If one of these is issued, try to restart CA DRAS. Notify CA Support.
The following table describes the ABEND codes.
ABEND Code |
Description |
U0100 |
This ABEND, issued in conjunction with message CAHFMTK023S, indicates that the logging task failed. |
U0300 |
CAHFMTK025S and this ABEND indicate that a critical processing task failed. |
U0400 |
When there are no processing tasks left running, CA DRAS takes this ABEND and issues CAHFMTK027S. |
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